
Friday, February 1, 2013

Audience Stats!

I recently discovered that you can track where your pageviews are coming from!!!

And I discovered that the top views come from..... *drumrolls*

Excepting Singapore, my home country (friends visiting and all, with 461 views)....

RUSSIA! With 59 views.

I mean, I barely know anything much about Russia but thank you so much, Russia Internet people! :D
(sounding quite retarded here)

And Belgium and Israel, God bless them cos' they're going through bad times now.
I think it's quite awkward if you're surrounded by countries with a strong dominant other faith.

I even get really unique countries like Latavia and Belarus :o

My other blog gets the usual traffic of the US and South Korea, etc.
If only I had some traffic from some far-flung country so I can introduce wonderful products and stuff....
But I guess it's because the target audience is different.

Here's the pic-

Hmmm, maybe my blog is more serious?

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