
Friday, July 27, 2012

Dentist of Doom

Hey guys!
Guess WHAT,
I went for my dental appointment yesterday because my teeth have been feeling sensitive of late.
So apparently I have some mutant virus that ate up part of my teeth, but it has been drilled out (yes, seriously, with a teensy drill) and filled up with some sour powdery thingy (I was expecting a filling)
So no more sweets- at least, not so much sweets- for the time being and I should be okay.
But I have to admit I cried halfway, and that I grabbed on to the dentist's hand and wouldn't let go, like a *whisper* Ashamed.
I really pray I'm not going back for checkup anytime soon.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Oh my gosh Blogger's got itself a new layout!! (prime example of personification lol)

At first I was like, Oh WOW how do I use this but now I realise they've configured it to be something similar to the mobile version o_O Pretty slick and confusing for the IT-noob that I am, but I think I'll survive.

You know, I have recently discovered that keeping a picture diary is tons better- albeit easier- than keeping a blog. Now I understand the joy that people get when they use Tumblr. However, the drug of my choice is Pinterest, and I confess I am thoroughly addicted. Any picture I see, humourous, cute, quirky or just plain sad quotes about life and love- they are all shipped to my virtual pinboard. The best part is, you can easily sort out all the 'pins' you have into neat little categories and people can access your photos and 'repin' them if they like your pins. Okay, this doesn't sound that cool up here but trust me, you'll love it. No, this isn't a sleazy advertisement to get you to buy stuff. Absolutely FREE!!

The Singaporean side of you must be raring to go sign up now. What? Of course you must sign up! Yes, go now.
You can access my profile. I don't think it's private or anything. But I must warn you, you might find me terribly superficial and materialistic (and my profile picture is the epitome of unglamness). Don't get me wrong, the only reason I post so much material possessions is simply because I can't get them and can only satisfy my cravings for all such junk online. Thou shalt not lust over what you have, but what others have - perfect to describe every person on the universe living in comfy homes and clothes and wearable shoes.
Case in point,
Source: via Eve on Pinterest
Source: via Eve on Pinterest

What did I tell you? Oh, but I <3 such superficiality. Don't tell me you don't, now. Of course you do.