I friggin' got bitten by a garden lizard today during CCA camp ==
I caught this gorgeous garden lizard with awesome frills (it was a young one, though)
And everyone was freaked out when I brought it around.
Xy told me to go away lol (with the f-word even, though he meant no harm), but in his defense I actually put it right up in front of his face, which must have scared the shit out of the poor guy.
I don't understand how such a manly (looking) guy can be so afraid of something so much smaller than him.
He hates reptiles, insects, and amphibians, and I love them all!
Except cockroaches, who have an appearance not even their own kind can love.
Oh, so how did I get bitten?
So anyway I was prepping the logistics (balloons and stuff) for the games later and holding the lizard in my left hand, which pretty much meant everyone sat at like about 2 metres distance from me cos they were terrified of it.
Like, get that away from me omg please don't bring it near me
Sighhhh will I ever find someone who appreciates my love for these creatures?
So somewhere then Jieminnie was like, hey, look, a spider-
and everyone knows lizards like insects yeah?
So I tried to make it eat the spider, and it kept turning its head away.
I persisted, and it got fed up, turned its head around, and bit me on my thumb.
It didn't hurt or anything, but I was hurt emotionally because no lizard has ever bitten me before, and I kinda felt betrayed... I'm not sure how I should begin to explain this.
Ummm, so anyway I let it go because I wasn't going to risk another bite, and I watched sadly as it ran off.
Then I went to disinfect the wound (not very deep) with hand sanitiser and wash it and slap a band-aid on.
Xy was super unsympathetic, even gleeful.
I think he feels like he just had his point proven and I'm going to be stricken with salmonella or whatever.
Actually, I think I'm still going to catch a lizard again next time.
I never do learn, do I?
(the same applies to cats and getting scratched/bitten)