
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Grumbles (should come up with better titles)


Feeling kinda sad that I didn't write as much as I wanted to for AQ but I guess it's fine :/

I KNOW THE MEANING OF PANACEA!! (cure-all, perfect cure)

GRRRRRRRR I should have watched the clock.
There I was watching it like a hawk for the first 40 minutes, then after awhile I forgot about it and Ms Sab was like, "Ten minutes left,"
Of course I didn't say it out loud, dummy. I shouted it in my head.

So I panicked and started writing like a berserker and I have cramps in my right arm (added effect of writing plus P.E.)
Shouldn't have been so haolian to do thirty inclined pull-ups at one go when I haven't done any exercises to train my arms for two weeks ._.
I'm stuck at 195cm for standing broad jump and it's getting on my nerves!!
I want to be able to fly and clear 200++ cm!!

Xy cleared the mat today o_O
Told me proudly that everyone around him cheered (dunno how to describe the sound impressed guys make 'cos it's more of the 'whoaaaaaa, you sicko, how can people jump so far de' kind of exclamation)

Should borrow his frogs' legs on NAPFA day

(like this!)

And then Yuning's legs for running 2.4km :D

And Matilda's abs for sit ups!
Did I mention I HATE, absolutely HATE 2.4KM?
And sit-ups, 'cos after that laughing becomes a chore and a pain.)

('cuz I'm feeling whimsical today)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Useful home remedies


Useful home remedies!
So trying the one for muscle aches / acne!

Source: via Gwen on Pinterest

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This blog is pretty dead

Funniest thing ever happened during CCA today.

There is this guy that I seriously can't stand (kinda an open secret now), because he's always acting as if he is really good at what he does and I have always wanted to tell him that it's not the camera that takes good photos- it is the person that takes good photos.

So anyway our teacher said it today (specifically pinpointing him) and I did an inner high-five with him! *cheers* You know the feeling you get when someone says what you have been feeling AND wanting to say for ages but couldn't?? SO MUCH WIN.

But but but that's not the best part.
Anyway I interviewed the VP (vice-principal) last year for the school magazine Montage and I asked this guy to tag along to take the pictures (since he is always walking around holding his camera, like the show-off he is), and anyway the teacher said (he was commenting on how some of our photos are unusable for the school mag)


"Who was the one who took the photos for the interview for Mr ___? The photos are totally unusable!"

*cue horrified expression from the guy and I nudge XY beside me, who promptly bursts out laughing*
(and so did my CCA leaders and the guys in the back row *accusatory glance* )

And his reaction-
(b....b...but I thought... I thought the photos were okay... (insert CCA leader's name here)... you saw right? They were okay!)

*waves butt in face*


Valentine's Day is tomorrow, by the way.
Actually girls don't really want flowers (most of them). Pretty things that die in a week and make a mess all over our room and stink after that. At least chocolates are practical okay!
I expect no less than Godiva. *expectant face*
Or at least Royce...?
Hey hey what expensive chocolate? Godiva on offer at Changi Airport can?? Buy one get one free! Save 75 bucks and you can eat one box yourself and *cough* if you have another gf *cough* can give two boxes *coughcoughcough*

Not that any guy would dare, of course.
*cue the quote where you will rather offend some petty person rather than a woman*
It's in Chinese but I'm too lazy to type it.
It starts with Ning4 ke2 de2 zui4... yeah yeah yeah all of you should be effectively bilingual so figure it out yourself!
Nyeahhhh ;P

If I don't get any it's okay, I have tons of chocolate anyway :3
Omg I just sounded so loner and loser-ish.
Don't get it wrong.
I am way more cool in person. (not)

I am in a good enough mood today so I am fine with insulting myself.
Don't expect this everyday.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Audience Stats!

I recently discovered that you can track where your pageviews are coming from!!!

And I discovered that the top views come from..... *drumrolls*

Excepting Singapore, my home country (friends visiting and all, with 461 views)....

RUSSIA! With 59 views.

I mean, I barely know anything much about Russia but thank you so much, Russia Internet people! :D
(sounding quite retarded here)

And Belgium and Israel, God bless them cos' they're going through bad times now.
I think it's quite awkward if you're surrounded by countries with a strong dominant other faith.

I even get really unique countries like Latavia and Belarus :o

My other blog gets the usual traffic of the US and South Korea, etc.
If only I had some traffic from some far-flung country so I can introduce wonderful products and stuff....
But I guess it's because the target audience is different.

Here's the pic-

Hmmm, maybe my blog is more serious?