I guess all of you should have realised by now, that I may occasionally post personal stuff, messages that I may want to get across to certain people *glares pointedly at you-know-who, yes,
you*, I don't like naming names too often. Yes, I throw out names here and there for the benefit of people who know me in person, for easy reading and to recognise who the people are and what happened blahblahblah, but, and note the but, that I say with a lot of conviction, that I don't like revealing too much of myself here.
A blog is private? Yeah, sure. Just as much as a Facebook profile open for viewing for everyone, not just friends.
I mean, I can tell you my name is Eve (no harm there) and you'll know I live in Singapore, from my previous posts, but that's still fine, cos I know a girl in my school called Eve, too, a grade higher than me, so unless you tried really hard to find me (I doubt it) you probably wouldn't find me.
Disclaimer: When I said you probably won't find me, I am not posing this as a challenge. Stalk me and you'll be sorry. Really. I know Kung-Fu.
....okay, I don't. But I'm still gonna act like I have. And I can call for backup :D
Haha sorry I was just daydreaming about fantasy stories and the like. You know how teenage girls are(;
Omigosh, I've been totally diverted from my original plan. Now, what was I saying in the first place??
....this is why when you talk to me, we'll be switching topics real fast. I don't know how I do it. Why, everytime my mum yells at me to bathe
now, I start talking to her about something then switch topics and an hour has passed, and I still haven't bathed yet yay me (;
And- oh, great.
*scrolls to top*
Okay, so the point I wanted to make is that my identity is a secret except for people who know me, don't open your door to strangers, don't get into some car when you don't know that person, yadayadayada.
The End.
(Therin ends my valuable lesson of the day.)
...What?? 人家也要睡觉的 leh!
(and also cos I totally lost my point and I'm too lazy to continue.)