Our class is probably the most entertaining and eventful one, ever.
I think today was the first in days where we had full attendance. What with Ang Weixuan coming in for no good reason to beat Yuchen up (I missed the good show T-T cos I was stuck in a traffic jam), Zhuoran hitting his head on the railing and missing school -.-, and Junjie jumping off the chair and his head connected with the door frame (LOL!). He now has a smaller bandage instead of the turban on Wednesday. Funny though, all related to head injuries. Didn't remember Yuchen getting injured much. Someone said there was blood. I don't know.
Anyway we re-visited Primary school math today. Whee. But the long division was substituted for more 'x' instead of the numbers. Miss numbers. We always use 'a', 'b', 'c', 'x', 'y' and whatever other symbols...
I have realised people from 2F are starting to 'dao' me when we pass each other in corridors. It's not like we didn't see each other, and my smile faltered halfway when it was met with a blank stare. Seriously.
I like books with elements of humour in them! 'My family and other animals' by Gerald Durell left me in stitches. In one chapter, his professor friend was telling them about an opera he went to that was quite... eventful. The opera was a tragedy of some sort, and at the climax, when she hurled herself to her death off a castle, the stage hands had forgotten to put cushioning below, so the male lead had to sing quite loudly to drown out her cries of pain. She was quite upset, so the next day the stage hands enthusiastically piled mounds of mattresses, making it rather... springy and such. Well, like those trampolines. And then she repeated the scene, and this time, after 'dying', the audience were mystified when her upper torso reappeared three times! HAHAHAHA! I couldn't stop laughing. Mummy thought I went berserk.